Branding Made Easy With Two Simple Steps | Earning Wise Digital Marketing
Did you know that a major contributor to why most companies don't succeed is poor branding? The inability to quickly and effectively convey a companies mission and culture quickly turns potential customers away.
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Branding Made Easy With Two Simple Steps

BrandingDid you know that a major contributor to why most companies don’t succeed is poor branding? The inability to quickly and effectively convey a companies mission and culture quickly turns potential customers away.

When a prospective client or customer visits your store or website, you have about 5 seconds of their attention to effectively capture their interest. If you don’t, you will lose them forever.

Before we take a deeper dive, go ahead and think about your top three favorite brands. Now think about their logo and overall brand image. They all have two things in common.

So you might be asking… how do I properly brand my company? We have the simple two step answer to the most important elements of branding your business.

1. Know Your Customer

The number one mistake most companies make is not keeping their target customer in mind when developing their brand. The theme of a company is what differentiates one company from its competitors.

A common misconception with branding in that it is simply a logo and a slogan. A brand logo is extremely important, but it is not everything. Your brand needs to cater to your customers across all marketing channels and avenues. This means a customer should know exactly what your company can do for them quickly and effectively no matter what your customers are looking at, whether it’s the home page of your company website or a Facebook or Instagram ad.

Effective Branding Example - Dos Equis

If you haven’t been living under a rock for the past 10 years, it is very likely that you know who this guys is. Every time you see him he is surrounded by beautiful women, smoking a cigar and drinking… thats right, Dos Equis.

Dos Equis is great example of effective advertising with a target audience and knowing your customer.

They are simply promoting an adult beverage, but they made a brand out of knowing their audience. Instead of having a guy at his desk working, they targeting the sophisticated gentleman that drinks beer on occasion. Sophisticated is what most men want to be. An occasional drinker is what most men are. This ad is what truly put this company on the map.

The most interesting man in the world is the perfect segway into the next step to effective branding.


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2. Create Brand Personality

Companies today can no longer be sold with a logo and a billboard. Information is easily accessible, and competition is growing rapidly in every industry because of the lowering barrier to entry as technology advances.

So what is Brand Personality? It is the combination of brand identity and consistency.

When marketing your company, you need to be sure that all of the marketing channels are delivering the same message utilizing the same theme. Many businesses fall short on this because they launch a single successful campaign and don’t stick with it. That could be a successful facebook ad using a pink horse as the prop in their ad, and then their email campaigns have a yellow banana as the prop. Without an identifier that customers can quickly associate with your brand and without consistency, your company will never have effective branding.

Lets use the Dos Equis ad as an example again. The Most Interesting Man In The World because this adult beverage company’s identity. No matter where you saw him, you knew that it was Dos Equis. Furthermore, their consistency was non-stop for a number of years. If you saw their ads on TV, social media, or in a magazine, you always saw the same person doing the same thing.

Branding Advice From The Experts

Branding is a crucial component to any businesses ability to effectively market and promote their products or services.

If you need help branding your company, contact us here.

We will help you build your brand effectively and increase customer acquisition and retention. Who doesn’t like a little personality? Especially if it helps your company make more money!



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